Expecting some nice events would be held..
But it just 3rd day of college..
I got my fk-ed up assignments..
Yea, most of my friends said 'you'll get used to it'
Some even said, 'Welcome to college life'
And the pros said, 'Finally, you understand how i felt'
And it goes, my 2nd fairy tale..
It's been a long time i never touch my blog..
Thanks to
She motivated me somehow and kinda concerned about my blog though..
Didn't expect all these but thanks for visiting my blog..
So, back to my college life..
13th September is my due date..
For one of my assignment which is MEDIA LAW..
Dunno why im rushing right now..
Thanks to my friend asking to me sign up for this..
INTI Student Agent Crew..
Which im not really into it..
I just signed up for fun..!!!
There you go..
I'm doomed..
I got a text informing to RSVP for an interview tomorrow..
What am i suppose to do ?
Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, Instagram..
Are clearly shown that blogger have been discriminated..
And this is why i nvr update my blog or visit it ..
Sorry people =(