Monday, May 16, 2011

Exact 15 days..

Happy Teacher's Day..
Who cares about teachers? -.-"
I'm graduated...

Currently ..
No one is teaching me.. XD
So ... HOLA..!!!
Exact 15 days i din update...

Went violin class today..
No improvement..
Thanks to my mom and sister..
Force me to work...

No time to practice...
And hell yeah...
I messed up my skills..
ARgh... i have to catch up..!!

I wanna go Australia so bad..
Wanna study and stay there..
Dun feel like coming back...
Argh.. JUNE please reach faster....

Oh yea...
Collecting $$$...
Due to my new freaking violin..
So expensive.. -.-"

Too much stuff to think..
Current and future...
Oh god...
Driving me crazy...