Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Dusty Blog

To all readers...

Sorry for never updating...
At least i have to do something for June's post..
Working now..
Yea, wondered how i get to online and update this blog??

Here is the answer...
My friend applied P1 Wimax ...
And he shared with us...
How wonderful is him...?? XD

So being so lifeless lately..
Really do nothing's much...
Work & hang out with friends..
I'm so pathetic ...

Unfortunately ...
I'm really kinda pity..
Born-ed in this kind of crap family..
I wished i am a rich kid & helps the poor...

I wanna watch that so badly... =)
Wanna listen to the sound of those machine transforms into robots..
I'm just so boring...

Currently listened to the song : Yiruma - Love Me